IV The dirty secrets of our economy


( the previous reserve currency legacy )

-What is the city of London and why is it above the law?

-Why fiscal evasion is encouraged and despite our “political pretending tries to interfering” this system is not going to change anytime soon. If criminals can enjoy a legal way to launder their money why not the legitimate business ?

-As the web is driven by porn traffic majorly the world economy is driven by criminal money legally funnelled into the market. That money represents more than 90% of the “international loan” our government requested .

-How this systems artificially create a demand for some currencies as others nations than Britain uses similar structures ?

-Why this is the primary reason of corruption worldwide by allowing a way out for corrupted elites and by so dooming forever the development and debt cycle of many countries like in Africa ?

Great documentary to reveal Couples of interesting facts and answers here:

2008 was a stark reminder of this doomed system. While "Satoshi Nakamoto" offered the world an ingenious solution within existing and improved technologies.

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